Friday, June 21, 2013

High Five For Friday!

I'm very excited for what we are going to be up to this weekend!  This week we didn't have too much going on.  It's been so nice to have some time during each day to get things done around the house, so I can actually keep up for once! 

 1.  Poor Stella hurt her eye!  Not sure what she did to it, but pretty sure she had a scratch.  Even though it was sad it was pretty cute with her either doing a long wink or squinty eye.  Happy to say that it is all healed!


 2.  Starla and her friend Beth came over yesterday for game day.  We played 2 different games, Pandemic and Dominion.  Pandemic was really fun and definitely different because we were working as a team to win the game.  Dominion was a card game where we were playing against each other, but was still different because there were different ways to play it.

3.  I watching a really interesting documentary called "Forks over Knives."  My acupuncturist recommended it to me and I really enjoyed it.  I don't know if we will cut all meat out of our diet but I will definitely be making an effort to eat less meat (I already am dairy free).  I think the movie is definitely good to check out for anyone who is suffering from chronic illness.  I know for my GERD (acid reflux) I think it might help to cut some of the meat out. 

4.  I started on herbs today, and they make me want to puke, but hopefully they are doing what they are supposed to!

5.  I couldn't wear nail polish to my appointment yesterday so I was SO happy when I got home and was able to put some on.  I went all out and did a french manicure!  Turned out pretty good and I'm loving having fancy nails :)

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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Graduation day!

It's been about a month since my actual graduation, but I still wanted to post about it.  My graduation was my proudest day!  It was THE BIGGEST accomplishment of my life.  I am SO HAPPY to finally be finished with school.  I know it really won't change anything as far as my work situation, but I can now say I officially have my Bachelors in Psychology!

Mom, Grams, Sara and me

creepy paparazzi photo
my beautiful school

receiving my diploma
Last weekend we celebrated by having my graduation party out at the lake.  All the people I love were able to be there to celebrate with me.  It was a beautiful day and everyone had a great time :)

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Lauren Conrad book signing

Last night, on a whim, me and Marky Mark decided to head to Milwaukee for the Lauren Conrad book signing.  I had been thinking about going but didn't know anyone that would want to go with me.  We had a showing on the house last night, and we were able to head out at about 6:30, of course that was after I changed into all Lauren Conrad attire.  We got to the event about 15 minutes late, and there was a huge storm when we got there.  Some girls said they didn't think we would be able to meet her, but one of the ladies that was working at the bookstore was able to work it out so we could!!  (Thank you book store lady!)  It was SO amazing to see her in person.  She is SO beautiful!!  We had to each purchase a book in order to meet her so I picked up her new book that just came out yesterday, 'Infamous,' and her other book 'Beauty'.


We had to wait in line for about 2 hours to meet her, so of course we made friends with the people in front of us in line.  Luckily, Alex had a nice camera and was able to snap a few shots of her before we found out that we weren't aloud to take pictures of her.  This was so sad to find out :(  But at least he got a couple.

She looked SO CUTE with her bangs!

We got to the talk to her for a bit.  I didn't really have anything planned to say other than 'Hi' (I know, really original) but Marky Mark came to the rescue asking her how many books she had signed.  She told us that she didn't know for today but on her last tour she figured out she had signed about 10,000 books!!  Crazy!  I wish I had remembered to mention her dogs or SOMETHING but I was pretty star struck since I am kind of obsessed with her.  I wear her clothes, read her books, follow her blogs, and pretty much want to be just like her. ;)

One of my autographs
I'm SO happy my hubby forced me to go (Ok, maybe not forced, but at least was willing to go with me)!  We had a great time and I will never forget it :)